Bradshaw’s Run cattle station, as photographed around 1915 by the legendary Edward Reichenbach or 'Ryko'. He had broken records the year before by riding his bike to Darwin from Adelaide and went on to document many remote parts of the Territory. Set against the Yambarran Range, Bradshaw’s Run was established by brothers Joseph and Frederick Bradshaw in the 1890s along the Victoria River. Due to its remoteness, they often used the government ketch Leichhardt and other vessels to bring goods and passengers to the station, rather than travelling overland. The station is now part of the Bradshaw Field Training Area, owned by the Defence Department. This image is one of many featured in the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory's new exhibition Unruly Days: Territory Life 1911 – 1921, on now.
Text: Jared Archibald
Image: MAGNT 2017.026.001
Published: 5 August 2018