The faces were familiar but he just couldn't think of the names. After 18 months of research, author Peter Jones (of Newcastle Waters' Jones Store legacy) has finally got to the bottom of a family photographic mystery: Just who were these fine folk performing alongside his father in the Alice Springs Theatre Group's 1950s production of Barcoo Rot? Thanks to a classic Territory group effort with help from many Alice locals, Jones has finally managed to identify every performer in the photo. Back row: Thelma Ellis; Merle Maddeley; Dawn Prior; Marg McConville; George Connon; Jean Leunig; Geoff Hutchinson; Reg Warnest; Reg Verran; Wally Mason; Peter Leunig; Clarice Tuck; Betty Shields; Betty Guiney; Peter Dawson; Vern Turnbull; Aileen Kilgariff; Mary Clark; Jock Jones; Tom Wilson. Front row: Fred Barry; Gloria Sweeney; Pat Wilson; Mary Mason; Marge Harris; Morna Lea. Another little slice of Northern Territory history preserved.
Picture: Northern Territory Library, Peter Jones Collection
Published: 22 April 2018